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Street Lamp in alleyway connecting Canning Cross and Camberwell Grove out

Reported via mobile in the Street lighting category anonymously at 12:31, Mon 26 August 2024

Sent to Southwark Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6398868.

The street Lamp in the alleyway connecting Canning Cross and Camberwell Grove has been out for a few weeks. This alleyway is a well-trodden path used by local residents to quickly move between Camberwell Grove and Denmark Hill, and for access to Denmark Hill station during commuting.

It is a narrow and very dark alleyway without this lighting and it feels unsafe using this pathway without working lighting. I, and others, are having to use alternative pathways which are better lit to move between the two roads mentioned. This is an inconvenience and adding to journey times.

Please prioritise fixing this as the days are getting shorter now and it's becoming darker quicker. Thanks,

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