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Red Volvo not belonging to resident has been abandoned on residential road

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 21:22, Sunday 4 August 2024

Sent to Southwark Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6315297.

This red Volvo with registration FX68 HFO has been parked since 22 April 2024 on a residential road opposite a junction causing a blindspot to other vehicles and pedestrians - it has not been moved and does not seem to have been attended to given thay it is dirty with lots of pollen and cobwebs gathering on it making it very unsightly too. It does not belong to a resident in the road. The airbags are deployed and the car has missing and damaged trim. An immobilisation notice has been on the car since 15 July but this does not appear to have been attended to or any further action taken.

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